Writing Samples
Explore a curated selection of writing samples that showcase Brendan Nugent's distinctive style and versatility. These samples offer a glimpse into the creative and editorial skills that define the work of Author Brendan Nugent, based in Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom.

Exploring the Art of Creative Writing
Creative writing is the heart of Brendan Nugent's craft, blending imagination with an eloquence that captivates readers. In this collection, you will find a variety of narratives, from short stories to excerpts from larger works, each demonstrating a unique approach to storytelling. Brendan's writing transports you to different worlds, bringing characters to life with vivid descriptions and engaging dialogues. The ability to weave complex plots with relatable themes is a hallmark of Brendan’s style, ensuring that each piece leaves a lasting impression on the reader. These samples not only highlight Brendan's creativity but also his commitment to quality and depth in storytelling.

An Excerpt from one of my Xmas Ghost Stories.
He then approached the door and opened it as quietly as he had done the previous night. Although, upon opening it, he could not see anyone or anything. However, he thought it best to investigate and so stepped out onto the landing, closing the bedroom door softly behind him. As he did this, he gradually began to see a faint, misty glow, halfway up the stairs, just in front and slightly above him. It appeared to look like a homogeneous, swirling and yet iridescent and translucent white mist, with no discernible shape. However, as William stood transfixed by the sight of it, with dichotomous emotions of fascination and fear, it began to take on a specific shape. It began to resemble the outline at least, of a person. Then as it had transmogrified a little more, William could decipher the basic features of a man’s body. Albeit a very small man, around five feet in height, he estimated. However, the figure of the man, still appearing as a translucent shimmering white cloud, had its back to William, as it walked slowly up the stairs. What was obvious was that the ghostly apparition walked with a pronounced limp, as if in his mortal life he had sustained some kind of injury to one of his legs. It was most certainly a ghost; William no longer doubted this fact. He watched incredulously, as the ghost continued to walk up the stairs. He did not say anything, in fact he did not dare and even doubted as to whether he would be able to utter a word, as he was quite literally, ‘scared stiff’.

An Excerpt from The Unwitting Sin-Eater
The lady of the house took one of the brown paper parcels containing the cake and said to Samuel, "Here is a piece especially for you”, as she then proceeded to place it onto her late father’s chest. She then said to Samuel, “There, this piece is yours, father insists that he share his cake with you”. Samuel felt a little nauseous at the thought of eating a piece of cake which had been in contact with a dead body. However, he also felt compelled to take it and so he reluctantly took it from off the top of the dead man’s chest and slowly unwrapped it. He then stared at the cake as if it had been infected with death itself. Nera then interjected, “Well, eat it then, don’t just stare at it”. Therefore, he did eat it, thankful that it had at least been wrapped in paper, before touching the dead body. Then after he had eaten the cake, Nera told him, “Now, read out loud the words written on the inside of the piece of paper, which the cake was wrapped inside. It was a favourite verse of my fathers from the Bible”. Samuel straightened out the piece of crumpled paper, to read the inscription, which appeared to have been written in dark red ink and he read it out loud as she had instructed, “For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners”. How odd, Samuel thought to himself, and he thought that it made no sense.
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